Federation II - space fantasy trading game

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June 5, 2005

Takin what they're givin, Archer is here. Archer is carrying a keyring.

ex Archer
Archer no longer appears to be searching for something. He's wearing blue jeans, black leather boots, and a black leather bomber jacket. A towel is also slung over his shoulder.
Archer is carrying a multi-dimensional keyring made by the prestigious TenBrane Corp. If you look carefully you can see the glow of the macro-superstring logo. It has on it:
An executive washroom key. The ornate key is a much sought after key to the Galactic Administration executive washroom, and is genetically coded to its owner.

Art smiles, "Hi."

Archer says, "Hello Art"

Art asks, "Hi Archer. Ready for the hot seat?"

Archer smiles, "Sure :)"

Art says, "Good."

Clio gets back to her cameras.

Art says, "I hope we get a great turnout."

Archer smiles, "I do too :)"

Art checks the duct tape supply.

Archer quickly scribbles some notes on his forearm

Furgas laughs

Archer asks, "What? No Handcuffs?"

Bamababe moves to stand behind Furgas, she doesn't want to get duct taped.

Archer winks

Furgas says, "archer the tapes only hurts coming off"

Art says, "It's not too bad if I use the whip."

Archer says, "Oh, that is sooo reassuing"

Art grins almost innocently.

Furgas says, "it only takes a week to get the tape off *removes the last piece from last week*"

Art says, "That was 2 weeks ago."

Furgas says, "was it that long ago"

Ferreri says, "the memories last, Furgas"

Archer chuckles

Art nods and leads Archer to the hot seat.

Archer plops down and gets comfy

Furgas bars the door so archer cant escape

Archer snickers

Darkangel laughs, way to go furgas

Art starts applying the duct tape to Archer's wrists and ankles...

Archer has a strange feeling of deja vu

Art exclaims, "Welcome to Meet and Greet with my special guest, the Radioman: Archer!"

Furgas claps

Archer smiles, "Hi everyone :)"

Art fastens a mic to Archer with more tape.

Ferreri claps

Aqueous claps

Art says, "Let's get started with a bit of history."

Archer scoots his butt a little to get more comfortable

Art smiles, "Tell us about your life in Fed. :)"

Archer says, "Ok. I first dicovered Fed back in the pay to play days on AOL"

Art smiles, "Ah, another old-timer :)"

Furgas luaghs

Archer says, "I wasn't very social then, and the bills killed me so I retired until AOL went unlimitted"

Art nods.

Archer says, "Once AOL went unlimitted I was hooked for good."

Art smiles.

Archer says, "When I first entered Fedspace i was approached by a man in a dark trench coat"

Art drawls, "Ooo, mystery..."

Archer asks, "he said "Psst buddy, if I buy you a ship can you do me a favor?"

Jessecka giggles.

Aqueous smiles

Furgas says, "i did not say that"

Archer says, "I was off on my long trip to fame and fortune at that point."

Art nods.

Archer says, "The first really kind person I met back then was Ferreri"

Archer says, "I ended up with most of my facs on Dune and spend a lot of hours camped out on a lawn chair on her LP"

Ferreri whispers to Jessecka, 'he was cute back then'

Art grins.

Archer grins

Archer says, "When I made PO I joined Harem and had an absolute ball with SoSayCin, Zorania, Gracie, Ferreri, Wicked, and ol' Stu"

Art smiles and nods.

Archer says, "I eventually became a Duke and had some great POs"

Archer says, "One of my closest friends from RL was a PO of mine, but we didn't it"

Art asks, "Same name?"

Archer says, "yes. I had always been Archer."

Archer says, "ecept when I was doing the Navigator role, then I was Spcusari"

Art nods.

Archer says, "I was married to Tease back in classic, and had some rather interesting times"

Art smiles, "Tell us. :)"

Archer says, "Well, Tease has a way of bringing out folks wild side. There was usually always some drama or controversy"

Archer says, "Including the infamous bachelorette party that sparked the TBar debates on decency..hehe"

Art perks...

Art winks, "We want details ;)"

Archer says, "Those were some pretty wild times and I guess some of the party goers actions weren't up to snuff with the Neverland code of morals.."

Archer says, "so that started a loooong debate on what was porn and what was acceptable."

Art heard about those morals secondhand.

Archer says, "it even led to TBar demonstrating what was "acceptable" for sex in fed"

Archer says, "it was a hoot"

Fancy grins.

Art exclaims, "I wish I had seen *that*!"

Archer smiles, "I was quite a party boy back then and often provided entertainment for the ladies of Fed who were about to be Wed :)"

Art chuckles.

Jessecka wishes she had been there.

Archer says, "One other bit of nostalgia is that I worked closely with Kip, Kao, and Blaze and brought the Undeground to the web for the first time"

Ferreri says, "it was a crazy time"

Fancy says, "Maybe Archer (still) has logs."

Art smiles.

Furgas misses the underground

Archer says, "I'd get an advanced copy and post it to a website the morning it went out in email"

Art says, "The Underground was special"

Archer says, "Yes it was."

Archer says, "always knew you would get the real story in the Underground"

Art nods.

Archer says, "I know missed a ton of names for folks who made it fun, so hope they know who they are"

Art says, "I'm sure they do."

Archer says, "the folks of Harem were my family though. They were there for me in good times and in bad. I went through a RL divorce and my ex also played Fed."

Art says, "That could be awkward."

Archer says, "It was."

Archer winks, "At least I was always a rank ahead of her so she coudn't spy on me ;)"

Art nods.

Fancy winks, "The privileges of rank then. ;)"

Archer chuckles

Archer says, "so I found some old templates for the underground a few months ago and decided to check the IBgames website"

Art nods.

Archer says, "and that is how I found Fed II"

Art grins.

Art asks, "And became the radioman?"

Archer chuckles and nods

Archer says, "I had been meaning to play with Shoutcast for awhile"

Art asks, "What is that?"

Archer says, "and it seemed like it would be a fun community thing, so Fed Radio was born"

Archer says, "Shoutcast is a plugin for Winamp that allows you to broadcast over the internet"

Art says, "Ah."

Archer winks, "I looked into a few other tools, but Free was good ;)"

Art says, "Free is almost always good."

Furgas says, "aye free is the best"

Aqueous says, "I like free"

Archer says, "So now I try to play what the community wants. I look for songs when I get requests, but limited funds means it takes a little longer to find some things."

Art nods.

Archer exclaims, "so for Squeeky, I promise I'll get some Dead on there soon!"

Archer grins

Art asks, "How did you choose your original playlist?"

Archer says, "I had Riped all of my CDs onto my system to make compilation CDs for a 20 hour road trip"

Archer says, "so that was the base"

Archer says, "Then about 400.00 worth of ITunes later its over 800 songs."

Art exclaims, "Wow!"

Archer leans to one side and stretches out to take a sip from his straw

Art asks, "Didn't your playlist also come from the jukebox?"

Archer smiles, "Well, with current scanning technology I was able to "appropriate" the oldies playlist from the Old tap room :)"

Archer says, "It integrated nicely"

Art thought so.

Fancy knows both the jukebox and Fed Underground Radio have "Walking on the Moon" by the Police.

Art chuckles.

Archer smiles

Art asks, "So, anything else you want to say before I turn you over to the mob... er... questions?"

Fancy says, "I haven't found any of the jukebox's other songs on Fed Radio though."

Archer says, "Recently, listeners had been dwindling, so I thought about shutting it down. I got a lot of feedback to my request for thoughts and am happy to say the station will be staying on the air"

Art exclaims, "Yay!"

Archer winks, "just this "Be Gentle" ;)"

Furgas says, "yay"

Art adjusts the duct tape...

Jessecka gently tickles Archer.

Archer chuckles

Art says, "Ok, if you have a question, just raise your hand."

Jessecka raises her hand.

Art asks, "Jess?"

Jessecka asks, "so, most of us know you are thinking of getting married, anything you can tell us about that?"

Jessecka grins.

Archer says, "Well, its in the works. As many know, Marina and I are engaged."

Archer says, "just have some scheduling issues right now"

Art smiles.

Ferreri raises her hand

Art asks, "Ferr?"

Ferreri asks, "do you like the new Fed as much as the old one?"

Archer drawls, "I do, but..."

Art raises an eyebrow... "But?"

Archer says, "I get bored emptying depots and long for another challenge"

Fancy raises a paw as he listens to the Megamix.

Archer says, "I really like how the game is progressing though"

Art asks, "Fancy?"

Fancy asks, "With Fed Radio, are there any broadcast or intellectual property laws you have to watch out for? Or do they not apply if you are not running it for profit?"

Archer says, "I have to track how often I play an artist in any three hour period, and I will have to pay some royalties at the end of the year"

Archer says, "but seeing as how there are no advertisers I hope I can handle the bill"

Archer says, "non profits don't get hit as hard as revenue generating stations"

Art nods.

Bamababe raises Furgas's hand, as she knows he is brimming with questions.

Art giggles.

Furgas says, "hey"

Fancy asks, "What's the significance of an artist being played within a 3 hour period?"

Bamababe laughs.

Art asks, "Fergas, you have a question?"

Furgas says, "no"

Art drawls, "After this..."

Archer winks, "I really am not sure, guess I'll find out when I get the paperwork ;)"

Archer winks, "a big bill or getting sued would definately shut me down though ;)"

Art nods.

Ferreri raises her hand for Furgas

Jessecka laughs.

Art says, "We all hope that doesn't happen."

Art asks, "Ferr?"

Furgas raise hand

Ferreri asks, "Are you going to get on the mic again?"

Archer says, "I am. Haven't felt very chatty lately."

Art nods.

Art asks, "Furgas?"

Furgas says, "hav e you thought of promtoiung indy bands"

Archer says, "not sure I have the time to organize something like that. And with only having 1 or 2 listeners at a time not sure they would see any value."

Squeeky smiles, "squeek :)"

Fancy smiles at Squeeky.

Art asks, "Squeeky? You have a question?"

Bamababe raises her hand, as she steps on Furgas's foot.

Squeeky says, "not yet"

Furgas says, "pouchie"

Art smiles, "Ok, Bama? :)"

Furgas says, "ouchie too"

Bamababe asks, "I noticed that you do have a very large selection on the site to chose from, but I wondered what your particular music likes were?"

Archer says, "right now its a lot of Alternative....but really I have broad tatses."

Archer says, "a compilation Cd might have The Offspring next to Eddie rabbit"

Archer grins

Jessecka laughs.

Ferreri raises her hand

Art smiles.

Art asks, "Ferr?"

Furgas raises his hand again

Ferreri asks, "if it doesn't work out with you and Marina, will you consider other single female in Fed?"

Bamababe gooses Furgas in the ribs while he has his hand raised.

Art chuckles.

Archer chuckles

Archer says, "I'm a very open minded person"

Archer winks, "I would consider a few ;)"

Art giggles.

Art asks, "Furgas?"

Jessecka thinks Furgas fell asleep, someone poke him.

Furgas says, "what are your feelings about the riaa and there sueing college students becasue they have mp3s on thier computers"

Squeeky could pee in furgas's lap

Archer says, "Hmm that's a tough one."

Furgas is a member of banriaa.com

Archer says, "I figure if you have purchased the music, and take precautions against folks ripping your stream then you should be allowed to do what you want with the music"

Fancy says, "I've never known a business that seeks to put its customers in jail to be a successful business."

Archer says, "True, but it only takes a few folks to ruin it for everyone"

Ferreri makes workthingies out of her customers

Jessecka giggles.

Archer says, "I keep Fed radio off the published lists on the internet to try to avoid issues"

Archer chuckles

Art nods.

Art asks, "Any other questions?"

Art drawls, "Ok, then I'll ask..."

Art asks, "What was your most embarrassing moment?"

Archer says, "Just one? I was the king of the xt accident"

Art asks, "Which was worst?"

Bamababe giggles.

Dunavant has left.

Archer says, "Most embarassing would have had to been xt'ing a climax and having folks really really get upset"

Archer chuckles

Art giggles.

Fancy bursts out laughing.

Jessecka laughs.

Bamababe says, "hehehehehe"

Ferreri laughs

Archer says, "I felt many a spybeam burning me that night"

Art struggles not to ask for details.

Furgas laughs

Aqueous picks himself up off the floor

Archer says, "I was really, really, happy to finally make Duke"

Bamababe says, "oo baby oo baby ooo"

Archer laughs

Art laughs!

Jessecka winks, "Ok Art, I'll ask....give us details??;)"

Archer winks, "hmmmm I'm trying to recall ;)"

Archer says, "so many women, so few braincells"

Jessecka laughs, "sure you are"

Art says, "Uh huh... right."

Archer says, "I kinda got around back then"

Archer winks, "Now I have greying hair and longer attention span ;)"

Bamababe laughs.

Art chuckles

Ferreri says, "Archer was great fun at Harem parties"

Jessecka wants a demonstartion of some entertainment.

Art asks, "Any other questions?"

Archer says, "I did have fun playing stripper for hire"

Art says, "Oooo, we need to see that."

Art will remove the duct tape.

Bamababe exclaims, "I got some ones!!"

Archer laughs

Archer drawls, "just wait for player planets..."

Art asks, "So, no strip tease tonight?"

Furgas says, "so what are you therios on player planets"

Archer winks, "afraid not. I left my special outfit at home ;)"

Jessecka asks, "therios?"

Jessecka gets out her Furgas dictionary.

Art peeks over Jess's shoulder.

Archer winks, "I think they are good, and they should exist ;)"

Furgas says, "the furgas to english"

Archer says, "Now if you are referring to the creativity behind them then I think folks should have free reign within reason"

Jessecka says, "can't find it"

Archer says, "Tease's planet Strip was permanantly shut down for being a bit too over the top sexually"

Art remembers.

Archer says, "at the time I argued for her and was at odds with the staff over it, so I ended up quiting the Nav job."

Archer winks, "but looking back I see their point, it is THEIR game...we just live here ;)"

Art nods.

Archer says, "Plus now that my kids are old enough to read and use the internet it puts some perspective on things"

Art says, "That does happen."

Jessecka nods.

Art asks, "Any more questions?"

Art asks, "Archer, do you have anything you want to say to all dataspace, while you have the chance?"

Ferreri says, "one more question"

Art asks, "Ferr?"

Ferreri asks, "Are you going to bring Kothor back?"

Archer says, "I will, and I should be able to do a few things now with the puzzle that I wasn't able to before"

Art grins.

Art asks, "Any final words, Archer?"

Archer says, "no worries"

Archer says, "I'd like to thank Bella, Freya, and Hazed for keeping Fed going. It really felt like coming home when I started playing Fed II."

Art smiles, "Thank you, Archer, for being a great guest. :)"

Archer smiles, "My pleasure. I had fun :)"

Art applauds.

Ferreri claps

Aqueous stands and claps

Archer says, "Thanks for the great questions"

Art wonders how Archer will escape from the duct tape.

Ferreri says, "leave him taped up, Art... then we know where to find him"

Archer opens his com link and taps out a message to his classic counterpart and alowly shimmers out of the chair and into a comfy seat

Archer winks

Jessecka giggles.

Art says, "Oh mice... I hate when they do that. Then I can't use the whip."

Archer perks

Art smiles.

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