Federation II - space fantasy trading game

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June 19, 2005

Feeling hot under the collar Aqueous has just arrived. Aqueous is wearing a medallion and is carrying a keyring.

>ex Aqueous
Aqueous's long black hair is tied back showing his rugged good looks.He wears a long black coat and walks with an ornermental cane.

Art thinks about duct tape, then wonders if it will stick properly.

Art sets up a wringer and clips a mic to Aqueous.

Art smiles, "Time to get started :)"

Aqueous plops on a stool and shuffles nervousaly... apair of scissors in his pocket

Art exclaims, "Welcome to Meet & Greet. My guest tonight is Aqueous!"

Art sits on the stage beside the wringer...

Aqueous says, "I amm surprised anyone showed for my insignifacant life in fed"

Art smiles, "So, tell us how you started in Fed. :)"

Jessecka says, "but we love you Aq"

Aqueous says, "sure"

Aqueous says, "well I was a late starter in fed"

Art nods.

Aqueous says, "back in 2001 when I stumbled around as a groundhog"

Aqueous says, "My name then was Neon"

Art says, "Still been around awhile."

Aqueous smiles, " well yes I suppose:)"

Art asks, "How far did you get there?"

Aqueous says, "as a rooky took me awhile and a lot of mistakes"

Aqueous says, "I got up to squire"

Art smiles.

Aqueous says, " never got a sunburn there though"

Gearjammer giggles

Art says, "Ah, you heeded the advice about SUN BAD."

Aqueous says, "did not like the heat got ...lol"

Aqueous says, "when I payed of that big loan I was free to make my fortune"

Aqueous says, "Right....soon found out this was not so easy"

Aqueous says, "lol"

Art chuckles

Dunavant grins

Art asks, "Took a while to learn trading?"

Aqueous says, " when I finaly became a captain I was free to explore the Galaxy and make my fortune ...and wityh the help from Jeblt and snowlilly I started to find life easeyer"

Art nods.

Aqueous says, " Quite a while yes"

Art asks, "Then what happened?"

Aqueous says, " Thats when I met Kimba who became a good freind and helped me the most in fed society as well as pushing me through the ranks"

Art says, "Friends are good."

Gearjammer has many friends here

Aqueous smiles, "soryy I amm a slow typer :)"

Art smiles, "That's ok :)"

Aqueous says, " Kimba w3as the best"

Art just gives the wringer a small turn...

Aqueous says, " my first factorys were on Widgets in Jeep"

Art remember Widget.

Aqueous says, " and thats where I becane a squire"

Art asks, "What was your planet?"

Aqueous says, " my planet was Aegean in Jeep"

Art nods :)

Aqueous says, " I never got above agri but helped Netmndr and Antonio with there dukes puzzle"

Art grins.

Aqueous says, " I was ready to promote to indy when I left fed in late 2002"

Art drawls, "Took a bit of a break..."

Aqueous says, " yep until late last year"

Aqueous says, " then looked up Fed again"

Art smiles, "And you found us again :)"

Art winks, "Not quite where you left us ;)"

Aqueous smiles, " right and started from thje bottom again was quite fun:)"

Art says, "It is an adventure"

Aqueous says, " as life ..lol"

Art asks, "What are your biggest challenges now?"

Aqueous says, "I supose that would be to work back up to my own planet again"

Art says, "You'll be there soon... when it is coded."

Aqueous says, " thats right ..lol"

Aqueous says, " be good though to relieve the bottleneck"

Art says, "That it will."

Art asks, "So, anything else you want to say before I turn you over to the mob for questioning?"

Aqueous winks, " no go to it ;)"

Gearjammer gets her mobbing stuff ready

Jessecka giggles.

Aqueous chuckles

Art smiles, "Ok, if you have a question, just raise your hand :)"

Art asks, "Anyone?"

Gearjammer forgot what she was going to ask

Jessecka laughs.

Art giggles.

Jessecka rasies a bubble covered hand.

Aqueous grins

Art asks, "Now's your chance... Jess?"

Jessecka asks, "have you decided on a new planet name and theme, and if so, do you mind sharing them?"

Art smiles.

Aqueous says, " Yep was thinking of Aquarios and of course would be an underwater city"

Gearjammer rasies her hand

Art asks, "Interesting... Gear?"

Occy says, "spounge bob"

Gearjammer says, "i was wondering, of course i might have missed it cause i came in late, but what prompted you on your current name"

Aqueous says, " well I keep Koi as a hobby so have always be in the water area"

Art says, "Oh neat."

Aqueous says, "Aqueous the water carryer"

Gearjammer says, "ok, and here i was thinking that it was because you liked the song from the 5th dimension"

Art chuckles.

Aqueous chuckles

Gearjammer grins

Art asks, "Next?"

Gearjammer raises her hand again

Art asks, "Gear?"

Gearjammer says, "out of the ranks that are currently in the game, which one do you like the most, and which one didn't you like"

Aqueous says, " Adventurer was my favourite ..grounhog least favourite"

Gearjammer giggles

Art says, "At least groundhog doesn't last long."

Gearjammer says, "not many people like Adventurer"

Aqueous grins

Gearjammer wonders if she should start handing out the glue

Aqueous winks, " well you learn your way around ;)"

Fancy smiles and nods slightly.

Gearjammer says, "that is very true"

Art says, "That's true."

Art asks, "Next question?"

Aqueous smiles, " I think a lot of thought has gone into the ranks :)"

Fancy thinks Bella will be pleased to hear that.

Gearjammer thinks soo too

Aqueous winks, "maybe I will get brownie points;)"

Gearjammer giggles

Art grins.

Art asks, "Next?"

Gearjammer is outta questions herself

Aqueous smiles, "letting me off easey:)"

Art drawls, "Ok, time for the fun questions..."

Art chuckles in an unnerving manner...

Art says, "What was your most embarrassing moment, and I want details."

Aqueous frowns, "Hear we go :("

Fancy grins.

Gearjammer likes this question

Art smile almost innocently.

Aqueous winks, " well funny the only embarrassing moments are when I type as you can see;)"

Art drawls, "Uh huh..."

Art waits for details...

Aqueous smiles, "never had a realy had any others:)"

Art turns the wringer faster...

Aqueous grins

Gearjammer asks, "nothing in classic?"

Art asks, "No coms when you meant to tb?"

Aqueous smiles, " no never got caught out any way:)"

Art drawls, "Right..."

Gearjammer laughs

Art asks, "So, what changes would you make to Fed 2?"

Art says, "If you could change anything you wanted."

Aqueous says, "dont about changes but would like to see player planets come quiker"

Aqueous says, "quicker even"

Art nods.

Art asks, "Is there anything you want to tell people, while you have a captive audience?"

Aqueous says, " well only that I enjoy the fed experienc even though I am a very reserved person"

Art smiles.

Aqueous says, " I dont always get around and socialize"

Art asks, "How about advice for new people?"

Aqueous says, " dont give up enjoy the experience of Fed"

Aqueous says, " and each rank"

Art says, "Good advice."

Art asks, "Does anyone have anything else?"

Occy grins

Art asks, "Occy?"

Occy says, "just listening"

Aqueous has bought you a Large Jack Daniels

Gearjammer is enjoying being a merchant

Art says, "Ok."

Occy says, "Aq put a smiles on my face is all"

Art says, "I'd like to thank Aqueous for agreeing to be my guest tonight."

Aqueous chuckles

Art says, "Please join me in two week when Occy will get to be in the hot seat."

Gearjammer giggles

Aqueous smiles, " thjanks for inviting me:)"

Art applauds

Necrose claps.

Art says, "My pleasure"

Occy claps hard

Aqueous frowns, "sorry for the typos:("

Gearjammer claps and smiles

Art says, "That's ok."

Aqueous has given Art a passionate hug.

Art has given Aqueous an agreeable hug.

Aqueous smiles, "thanks everyone:)"

Art didn't even ask about your love life...

Aqueous says, "well the only one was Kimba"

Clio puts away her scroll.

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