LINE NOISE News from Chez Diesel 16 July, 1988 Some GroundHogs never learn... I'm sure you all remember the tragic tale of young Wizard, assassinated by those Cruel Fedders for not being humble enough when talking to Traders. Everyone in Fed Data Space agreed that he deserved everything he got. It was hoped he wouldn't return until he'd learned how to behave himself. No such luck! He didn't take the hint. He reappeared last week and carried on where he left off, insulting everyone, shouting his mouth off and generally being obnoxious. Trader Pegasus (reputed to be the meanest son-of-a-bitch in the Galaxy), who is Fed's expert on assassinations, decided that Wiz must Go - again! It was very well planned. Spacehound set out to win the trust of young Wizard by offering help and advice. Wiz was wandering around Earth and ended up in the Mansion, trying to talk to the Alsation. 'What do I do with the dog?' he wanted to know. 'If you drop something he will give you some groats' answered Spacehound, 'Try this!' and handed Wizard the Tdx. Wiz was slightly sceptical, particularly when he examined the Tdx, but when Pegasus shouted at Spacehound for giving away all the secrets, he was convinced. Eager for some easy groats, he dropped the explosives and... * * * * * * * BANG! * * * * * * * one ex-Wizard. But still he hadn't had enough... Wizard logged straight back on again and started whinging about how badly he was being treated. This time Pegasus decided upon the subtle approach. He told Wiz that if he typed he would be given useful information about the hazards in Fed. Ever gullible, when Pugwash confirmed this and suggested it might be a good idea before someone else tried to do him in, he believed her (the fool!) Amid huge cheers from all those who were spying on him, he typed and exited in a pool of blood. CARTEL THREE, WIZARD NIL! .