**>> SPYNET BULLETIN **>> EARTHDATE 94.10.09 **>> AN H-by-A SERVICE **>> Compiled by Hazed plus a team of specialist newsdroids **>> your news and gossip and get paid good groats! **>> IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT To: All GEnie Federation players Hi, As I'm sure many of you will be aware, for some time now the GEnie version of the game has been suffering from problems as a result of a lack of memory. These problems have included lack of space for player planets, a low limit on the number of simultaneous players, and no memory to add sorely needed new features to the game. We have been discussing these problems with GEnie for some time, and we have now reached an agreement with them that they will in future take the Linux version (version 3) of the game from a third party host, rather than trying to run it on their own computers. This decision will have a far-reaching effect on GEnie players. Not only will we be free of the current memory restriction, but the game will be hosted on its own machine, which will hopefully remove some of the response problems we have been suffering from of late. The version of the game we will be running is one which has been in test for several months in the UK, so I am hopeful that we will have few problems with the game itself. None-the-less, a change over of this complexity is unlikely to go without any hiccups, so I hope that you will bear with us while these are sorted out. One additional bonus for GEnie gamers is that you will be playing in the same game as players coming in through Delphi and the CRIS network. We plan to have the GEnie players go live first, and then open the doors to the other networks. And this, as they say, is only the start! The format of the persona records on the two systems is, unfortunately, incompatible, so we will have to convert them to the new format. We will be able to retain all the critical information, but there will be some things, like your description, that you will have to do afresh on the Linux version. We are currently negotiating the technical details of the changeover with all the parties involved, but we hope to make the change as rapidly as possible. We aim to do the switch during the week 17-21 October so that all will be ready for you by the end of that week at the latest. There will be one evening, possibly two, when I have taken a copy of the persona file to move over to Linux, but you will still be playing the old game. Anything that happens during this time will not be reflected in your persona or planet (if you have one) when you start the new game. Definate details of what is happening, and when, will be posted as soon as we have an agreed timetable, and a resume will be in next week's news. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have stuck with us over the past months in spite of the frustrations caused by the cramped playing conditions, and I hope that you will find that the new material in the Linux version makes it all worth while. Alan Lenton **>> NEW FEATURES IN NEWFED The change to a new operating system means many of the restrictions placed on the old game will be gone. Major changes will be immediately visible to players. Here are just some of the differences you'll find in NewFed. Access to the Explorer's Workbench is granted automatically when you promote to Explorer. This is because the Workbench is integrated into the game - it's an option on the shell menu of NewFed. Player-planets no longer have to change to mini-planets when you promote to Thane. Planets can stay full throughout their life in the game. You can change your planet as often as you like - including doing full re-writes - and your new files are automatically loaded into the game on the next reset. Checking facilities have been added to the game so that all planet data files are checked before they are loaded in each day. This ensures that there are no errors in the planet files that might cause problems, such as movements between space and land locations. Because there's more memory, you can do more with your planet. You can have up to 90 locations, 10 objects or mobiles, and 10 events - double the old amount. No more mini-planets means the abolition of the time requirement for promotion to Thane. However, player-minutes are still important, to all planet-owners not just Squires, because they are converted directly to tourist income, at the rate of 200 minutes to 1 meg. This happens each reset. So the more visitors your planet attracts, the more you will profit! Planetary economies are much enhanced. You have to invest in your planet in order for it to develop, making hard decisions about where your groats can best be used: on the planet's infrastructure, energy, education, health or security. You also have to invest in social services, taking into account the disaffection of the population and the effect their actions will have on the planet's production capabilities. Some of the investment decisions you make directly affect other players, by making factories built on your planet more efficient, and making the economy more attractive to traders. Promotion for planet-owners is no longer a straight monetary cost. Instead, it's a calculation based on how much you have invested in your planet. There is no command, it happens automatically as soon as your investment reaches the required level. Company CEOs will see immediate benefits in NewFed, in that you can now own 15 factories. At last, the long-awaited Secret Senator Commands are available. But because they are secret, we're not allowed to tell you about them. [Don't be ridiculous! You must tell them - Da Management] Oh, alright, but don't blame us if some rabid Secret Service Droid sneaks up on you and strangles you with a copy of the Official Secrets Act! A new option on the shell menu, Diplomacy and Warfare, gives Senators the tools to set up spy-rings to infiltrate other players' duchies, planets or companies. The spy-rings can be passive, just sending back information, or they can be active, performing acts of sabotage. You can also engage in border warfare. Diplomatic missions, to set up embassies in other duchies, planets or mega-corporations, allow you to give aid to other players, either monetary aid or military equipment. Embassies also help you get information back from your spy-rings, as well as allowing you to undermine the stability of the duchy, planet or company. The way players receive sendmail has changed. Instead of messages automatically being displayed when you log onto the game, there's now a shell menu option to read your mail, and a notice telling you if there's any mail waiting for you. This means you can choose when to read it. The QuickStart Guide, and the H-by-A Not Very Good Solar System Map are now also on the shell menu. The Weekly Fed News Bulletin, which you all read avidly (don't you?) will also be moving to the shell menu. This means players from different host systems will read the same version of the news, and you'll all be able to read it without leaving the cosy, friendly Fed environment. With the removal of the memory restrictions, there's now plenty of space for Our Illustrious Leader to add new code, so expect to see more changes coming soon: Senators will be able to vote for the Emperor, who will then have control over the Galactic economy and the Imperial Navy. Next week's new will detail exactly how the switch to NewFed will be carried out. Meanwhile, if you have any questions about the change, or the new features, talk to Hazed in the game or send GEmail to FEDII.2. **>> THE IMMEDIATE EFFECT Data files for existing planets will be moved over to NewFed as part of the conversion. However, part-written files in the Explorer's Workbench will not be moved. The existing Explorer's Workbench will stay around for a bit after NewFed becomes available, so if you're half-way through inputting your planet you can finish it as normal. We will then convert it over and link it into the new game. However, if you've not got very far you might find it easier to wait and start inputting again into the new workbench. Anyone who makes Explorer between now and the start of NewFed will not be given access to the existing Workbench. You'll have to wait until the switch to NewFed, when you can start using the new Workbench. No new planets will be linked into the game until NewFed happens. Anyone who promotes to Thane between now and NewFed will not have to convert to a mini-planet. **>> RESURRECTION? Fed Data Space has been reeling in shock this week, with the return of the winged horse, Pegasus. For many years believed to be dead, although a manifestation of his presence could be found cruising the Interplanetary Wastes looking for a fight, he has become to subject of a religion known as the Last Church of Pegasus, fronted by Senator Tellurian. Our newsdroid captured the meeting between the erstwhile Leader of the Church, and the newly-returned Pegasus: >Pegasus has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. >Your comm unit crackles with a message from Tellurian My lord Pegasus! >Tellurian has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. >Tellurian bows low! >Tellurian is awestruck >'Lord my ass!', exclaims Pegasus >Tellurian exclaims, 'my Lord! Can it be!' >Pegasus has poked you in the eye! >ex pegasus You see a winged horse. What were you expecting? >Tellurian casts himself on the floor in supplication >Pegasus peers curiously at the goings-on on the floor. >'my Lord... we are honored with your presence', says Tellurian >Pegasus asks, 'What is this plonker doing?' >Hazed says, 'I think he's abasing himself before you, Pegs. He thinks you are some kind of God or something.' >Pegasus guffaws. >Tellurian exclaims, 'we carry your teachings to the masses, Lord!' >'Yes, and a right balls-up you've made of it so far.', says Pegasus >'but, ain't this the way with all religions? :)', smiles Tellurian >Tellurian says, 'the actual being is no where near what is expected, when encountered....' >Hazed whispers to the horse, 'He formed a Church and appointed himself Arch-Bish.' >Pegasus points at the floor and asks, 'Who, him?' >Tellurian gets onto his feet and brushes off his robe. >Pegasus thinks this nonsense can stop straight away. >Pegasus smites Tellurian with a flying hoof. Following this historic encounter, we sent a series of newsdroids to interview the returnee. In a rather bizarre fashion, they sent us the following script: **>> THE INEVITABLE NEWS-ITEM-IN-SCRIPT-FORM GAG A dark, dingy alcove (not unlike those found in Chez Diesel (Social Centre of the Solar System, as seen in the InterGalactic Press)) in a dingy bar (coincidentally, not unlike Chez Diesel (Social Centre of the Solar System, as seen in the InterGalactic Press)). Two figures are huddled around the table in the alcove. One is a winged horse (what were you expecting?). The other bears a passing resemblance to a newsdroid but actually looks more like a cleaning droid. Newsdroid: Is this the right alcove for an interview? Pegasus: I've told you once. Newsdroid: No you haven't. Pegasus: Yes I have. Newsdroid: When? Pegasus: Just now! Newsdroid: No you didn't. Pegasus: Yes I did! Newsdroid: Didn't. Pegasus: Did. Newsdroid: Didn't. Pegasus: I'm telling you I did! Newsdroid: You did not! Cut to The Editor. Editor: Stop this at once, it's silly. Now get that cleaning droid out of there and do it again properly. With a real newsdroid. Cut back to dark, dingy alcove. Pegasus: Blimey, I didn't expect an Editorial. Jarring chord. The door flies open and The Editor enters flanked by two junior newsdroids. Editor: Nobody expects an Editorial. Our chief weapon is surprise ... surprise and fear ... fear and surprise ... our two weapons are fear and surprise ... and ruthless efficiency. Our three weapons are fear and surprise and ruthless efficiency and an almost fanatical devotion to the News ... Our four ... no ... amongst our weapons ... amongst our weaponry are such elements as fear, surprise ... I'll come in again. [Exit and exeunt] Cut back to The Editor. The Real Editor. Editor: Oh no you don't, laddie my boy. I've told you once and I won't tell you again. Now I want this done properly. Cut to a dark, dingy alcove (not unlike those found in Chez Diesel (Social Centre of the Solar System, as seen in the InterGalactic Press)) in a dingy bar (coincidentally, not unlike Chez Diesel (Social Centre of the Solar System, as seen in the InterGalactic Press)). Two figures are huddled around the table in the alcove. One is a winged horse (what were you expecting?). The other bears a passing resemblance to a newsdroid but actually looks more like Devon with a sink plunger stuck to his forehead and a 1970's Radio Shack cassette recorder in one hand. Newsdroid: Well, Mr. Pegasus, there's a rumour that you've been dead. Is there any truth to this? Bleep. Whir. Pegasus: None at all. Newsdroid: In that case, Mr. Pegasus, sir, might I enquire where you have been? Pegasus: I've been resting. Newsdroid: Resting? If you were resting, why did you shoot me every time I was in Sol space? Cut back to The Editor. Again. Editor: That's enough. Look at you, you're not even a proper newsdroid! Now get off. Newsdroid: [Off-camera] I'm sorry, it's just that my programming is new. Editor: GET OFF! Cut to the corner of a cinema. A man in an ice-cream girl's uniform is standing in a spotlight with an ice-cream tray with a winged horse on it. Man: Pegasus! Pegasus! Pegasus! A person approaches him. Person: Two choc-ices please. Editor: [Off-camera] Arrggghhhh! Sounds coming from off-camera suggest that someone is being severely beaten. The camera zooms past the ice-cream girl onto the screen. On the screen appears an 'Intermission' sign. Voice Over: There will now be a very short intermission. This intermission would have been filled with 'How to recognise different types of dead horse from quite a long way away' but our lawyers have advised against it. We apologise for any inconvenience. We really are most frightfully sorry. Off-camera conversation. Pegasus: I suppose this means I can't do 'Spot the Loony'? Editor: Sorry. Pegasus: Climbing the north face of the Uxbridge Road? Editor: No. Pegasus: How not to be seen? Editor: No. Pegasus: What about a man with a tape recorder up his nose? Editor: ...No. Pegasus: A man with a tape recorder up his brother's nose? Editor: No. Pegasus: Mrs Premise and Mrs Conclusion visit Jean-Paul Sartre? Editor: OK, you can do that one. Oh... Pegasus: What? Editor: The cat's eaten the script. Pegasus: Has he? Editor: She. Pegasus: Well let's keep it simple, how about Teddy Salad (CIA agent)? Editor: Well I'm afraid we don't get much call for it around here. The intermission sign explodes. Cut to a dark, dingy alcove (not unlike those found in Chez Diesel (Social Centre of the Solar System, as seen in the InterGalactic Press)) in a dingy bar (coincidentally, not unlike Chez Diesel (Social Centre of the Solar System, as seen in the InterGalactic Press)). Two figures are huddled around the table in the alcove. One is a winged horse (what were you expecting?). The other is a newsdroid. A sign on the front of the table says 'A real NewsDroid'. Newdroid: [Turns to face camera and speaks in a hushed tone] Hello, good evening, and welcome. We are here tonight amongst the hallowed alcoves of Chez Diesel (Social Centre of the Solar System, as seen in the InterGalactic Press) to sample the delights of Diesel's moose pizza and, hopefully, her Executive Services. [Pauses to check notes] I'm sorry, I'll do that again... We are here tonight amongst the hallowed alcoves of Chez Diesel (Social Centre of the Solar System, as seen in the InterGalactic Press) to speak with the legendary Pegasus, reputed to be the meanest son-of-a-bitch in the entire Galaxy, and allegedly a dead horse. [Turns back to the table] Pegasus, can you tell me first if there's any truth in the rumour that you're dead? Pegasus: I think I can safely say that I am not, in fact, dead. Newsdroid: Completely and utterly not dead? Pegasus: Absolutely and categorically not dead. Very much alive and kicking, in fact. I did once consider becoming dead - for tax purposes, you understand - and I've had a bit of a cold, but that's it. Newsdroid: I see. Then perhaps you could explain to the viewers why a Church has been founded in your name? Is it usual for religions to worship living beings? Pegasus: I think it was probably founded as a front for a money-laudering operation. It certainly never represented my high ethical and moral standards. Perhaps I should take this opportunity to disassociated myself from this so-called Church in the strongest possible terms? And that's straight from the horse's mouth. Newsdroid: You don't think much of the Last Church of Pegasus then? Pegasus: I think it must be one of them crackpot religions. Cut to Tellurian ne Galdur sitting at a large curved desk on the front of which a sign says 'Crackpot Religions Ltd. Tellurian ne Galdur President and God (Ltd)' Tellurian: A lot of religions - no names no pack drill - do go for the Poorer Person - face it, there's more of 'em - Poor People, thieves, villains, Poor People without no groats at all - well we don't have none of that tat. Rich People and crumpet over sixteen can enter free; upper middle ranks quite welcome; lower middle ranks not under five meg a week. Lower ranks - I can't touch it. There's no return on it, you see. Pull back to show a newsdroid sitting at his side. Newsdroid: Do you have any difficuly converting people? Tellurian: Oh no, well we have ways of making them join. Cut to wide-boy type, with small moustache and kipper tie. A sign says: 'No Questions Asked Religion'. Tellurain: In our Church we try to help people to help themselves - to spaceships, spybeams, lead piping, no questions asked. We are the only Church, apart from the Baptists, to do respray jobs. Cut to distraught-looking Editor. The Editor seems to be missing several large clumps of hair. Editor: Whaaaaaaaah! NO MORE!! We leave The Editor banging The Editorial Head against the Editorial Desk. Cut back to the Pegasus and the newsdroid. Newsdroid: [Sighs heavily] Are there any questions that I can ask without this sort of interruption? Pegasus: You could ask me where I've been. Newsdroid: No more Monty Python rip-offs? Pegasus: Promise. Newsdroid: You have been conspicous by your prolonged absence from Federation, have you not? Perhaps you could tell us where you've been? Pegasus: You noticed I was away? How sweet! One end of a large stick slides into shot and prods Pegasus in the ribs. Pegasus: OK, OK. It should be apparent by now that reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. The fact of the matter is that it was merely a disinformation capaign run by the Galactic Administration's Fascist Bully-Boy Department of Truth to help with the cover-up. Newsdroid: [Looks sceptical] The cover-up? Pegasus: Oh, yes. You see, they don't want the general public to know that society as we know it is being infiltrated by the Martians. The newsdroid groans. Pegasus: I was actually kidnapped by these very Martians and taken off to somewhere green and peaceful. At least, it would have been peaceful if it weren't for all the hooting that the Martians do. They love a bit of hooting. The hammering can become a bit much at times, too. But apart from that it was a very green and peaceful place. The newsdroid looks around dispairingly. Editor: [Off-camera, pleading tone] Look, if we have to do this nonsense, can you at least skip to the main point? You know we'll just have to edit out any reference to the Vicar's massive swelling organ anyway. Pegasus: But I haven't even mentioned the astronomer yet. Oh well, anyway... The Martians... You see, they appear to be building a wardrobe as part of their master plan but they need a skilled joiner to give them some help with the twiddley bits around the top of the doors. Newsdroid: And were you able to assist them? Pegasus: Don't be silly! Have you ever tried holding a fretsaw between hooves? Newsdroid: I can't say I have, no. Wasn't it a waste of their time to kidnap you then? Pegasus: Funnily enough, that's what they said. I think that was why they sent me off to Sirius II after that. That's where I've been until just recently, when I found a way to come back so that I could deal with these religious nuts who are besmirching my good name. Newsdroid: [Becoming visible irritated] ...Yeeees. Will I get some slightly more sensible answers if I ask you just what you intend to do to 'deal' with them? Pegasus looks around furtively and produces a large, brown envelope which he passes to the newsdroid under the table. The newsdroid scans it with his reading-things-inside-an-envelope-without-opening-opening- it-first sensors. Newsdroid: Fascinating. May we print this? Pegasus: Of course! Just don't tell anyone you got where you got it. Newsdroid: It's a deal! Will a cheque be OK or would you prefer cash... Fade out. **>> AFFIDAVIT I, the undersigned, do hereby make the following statements of my own free act and deed: 1. My name is Emily, Lady Addis, Industrialist of OAC, also known as "Emmi"; formerly known as Emily Z. Vile. 2. I am of legal age and understand the meaning of an oath. 3. Henceforth, I resign from any position or commission and repudiate all connection with THE LAST CHURCH OF SAINT PEGASUS, INC. (CAYMAN ISLANDS), and the Guild of Assassins. 4. After numerous intimate discussions with Pegasus, it is my firm belief that Pegasus is not, and has never been, a deity. signed: Emily, Lady Addis ------------------------------- RETURN DATE: 941016.1500 FEDERATION SENATE CHAMBER PEGASUS, THE ONE TRUE; and EARTH COURTROOM CITIZENS OF THE FEDERATION EMPIRE VS. NE GALDUR, TELLURIAN; LAST CHURCH OF SAINT PEGASUS, INC. (CAYMAN ISLANDS); and AJA, SQUIRE OF SPHINX DATED: 941009.1000 COMPLAINT On or about 930501, the defendant, TELLURIAN NE GALDUR, organized, created and caused to be formed defendant, THE LAST CHURCH OF ST. PEGASUS, LTD. (CAYMAN ISLANDS), and together with defendant AJA, SQUIRE OF SPHINX said defendants commenced activities purposefully designed to slander, malign, and use for personal gain the good name of plaintiff, THE ONE TRUE PEGASUS, causing plaintiff grevious harm, injury, and mental anguish resulting from aforesaid activities of defendants, to wit: FIRST COUNT: VIOLATION OF PRIVACY. 1. That by their actions, defendants have willfully violated the privacy of plaintiff, causing plaintiff to retain counsel at tremendous personal expense and inflict such great emotional and mental anguish upon plaintiff that plaintiff has been forced to undergo an unsuccessful series of painful medical consultations with the demi-goddesses Hazed and Mira in an attempt to relieve his suffering. 2. That defendants have further violated plantiff's privacy by using plaintiff's good and valuable name for the purposes of manufacturing for profitable sale bendable action figures, velvet portraits, plastic dolls, medallions, specialty pasta sauce, pendants, life-time guaranteed knives, printed literature, soundtracks, scent for men suggesting various macho benefits, adventure movie with four successful sequels, a religious theme park, sexual aids, and a hair replacement process all to their personal benefit, without paying royalty, licensing fee, or compensation for copyright/trademark to plaintiff. 3. That defendant Aja has caused to be created and formed on her planet, Sphinx, a replica of a structure, to wit a pseudo-cathedral, which directly violates the plaintiff's privacy and infringes upon plaintiff's name. SECOND COUNT: LIBEL AND SLANDER 1. That defendants' continued demands of blood and sacrifice from the Citizens of the Federation Empire, made on behalf of plaintiff, both verbally and in various writings in the Federation News constitute acts of slander and libel as such demands falsely and maliciously portray the plaintiff as a bloodthirsty assassin and/or killer. The plaintiff is, in fact, a horse of great humor and honor who subscribes to the non-violent gentle and wholesome values of home, Mom, apple-pie and Ghandi. THIRD COUNT: FRAUD 1. That by their actions, defendants have fraudulently claimed to be in holy contact with the plaintiff, who, prior to his return to the Federation Empire, had no knowledge of defendants, and, in fact upon becoming acquainted with defendants, has expended considerable energy in repudiating any connection with defendants. Plaintiff denies any divine intercourse with defendants. 2. The Citizens of the Federation Empire are hereafter cited-in as an injured class also seeking redress from defendants. 3. That by their actions, the defendants have caused the Citizens of the Federation Empire to rely upon fradulent claims of salvation resulting in numerous and widespread abuses of aforesaid citizens, including assassination and rackeetering. WHEREAS the plaintiffs are bonafide citizens of the Federation Empire, they demand Summons of defendants to answer Complaint, and further petition and pray for relief from the Federation Senate Chamber: REQUEST IN DAMAGES 1. A permanent injunction to prevent defendant NE GALDUR and any of his servants, employees, relatives or associates from using plaintiff PEGASUS' name in connection with any of defendant's pseudo-religious activities and profitable pursuits; 2. The Senate to declare defendant LAST CHURCH OF SAINT PEGASUS dissolved, revoke any tax benefits accruing thereto, and confiscate all Church owned properties with funds to be held in escrow for disbursment as damages; 3. That the Senate issue an order specifically commanding defendant AJA to remove all monuments, places of worship, and references to the LAST CHURCH OF SAINT PEGASUS or use plaintiff PEGASUS' name and/or likeness from Sphinx. 4. Investigation into alleged rackeetering by the defendants; 5. Punitative damages in an amount greater than 100 GIG, but not to exceed 500 GIG; 6. Physicians' fees and costs of attendant treatment; 7. Attorney's fees; 8. Costs; and, 9. Any other damages and/or compensation the Senate may deem appropriate. THE ONE TRUE PEGASUS, PLAINTIFF BY HIS COUNSEL, EMILY, LADY ADDIS INDUSTRIALIST OF OAC ALTASREN ALTINWE PARAMOUNT GRAND MASTER OF THE GUILD OF PATTERNERS RETURN OF SERVICE I hereby Certify that this Complaint and Summons was properly served to defendants on 941009 by publication in the FEDERATION NEWS. **>> NEW IN THE MPGAMES LIBRARY Plantking has uploaded a new version of his list of Fed commands. COMMANDS6.REF is file #4590 in Library 5 on page 1045. **>> WEDDINGS, WEDDINGS, WEDDINGS, Last Sunday, Tellurian and Talisan got hitched on Tempest. Proceedings were delayed because of problems getting some of the principal players online, including the best man, but eventually the couple were united. There were no disruptions to the proceedings, despite the threat that Pegasus would object to the marriage being conducted in his name. The occasion was marred by Mosquito losing her way as she travelled to the church, and going dead-dead. I guess if you hold a wedding on a deadly planet, you risk your guests dying! Maha was this weekend scheduled to marry Alana, Devon's daughter, but he pulled out at the last minute for reasons unknown. Pink and Raven, on the spur of the moment, got married last night, presided over by Eeyore, First Disciple of the Winslow (whatever that is!). The ceremony was followed by a reception on Roma. Devon has resumed his philandering ways. His name has been linked this week with Gemini, Lola and Pink. After his disastrous (and short) marriage to Cinderella, he's obviously decided to play the field for a while! We understand women are queueing up outside his spaceship to help him forget his ex-bride. **>> PLANETS AND DUCHIES Little or no movement has taken place between duchies. The only change has been Aja's new planet Sphinx (see report below). He joined up with Amigan's duchy. Sean's Eire is now a leisure world, and he's building frantically for Duke, so there's a big market for commodities. He's learning to use his teleporter, and as expected he's died a few times by porting into inhospitable places. **>> ANOMALOUS PLANET Sphinx, in the system Anomaly, is the new planet built by Aja. It has some surprising parallels to ancient Egypt on Earth... including some very similar monuments. The landing pad doubles as an airplane runway, and the first thing our explorer droid did was (foolishly) hijack a waiting plane and take it up for a spin. Not a good move, we thought, as we fished its remains out of the sea! We resolved to refrain from attempting to fly until we'd found something to keep us a little safer. The streets of Cairo, the capital city of Sphinx, are hot, noisy and bussling, full of exotic smells and strange people. As usual, the services are within easy reach of the landing pad. The Khan al-Khalili Coffeehouse serves refreshment if you need to get out of the heat and relax, the strong bitter coffee giving off an overpowering aroma. Your explorations of this planet will lead you out into the desert, to visit ancient monuments such as the Great Pyramid of Cheops, and the Sphinx itself after which the world in named. Great rewards await those brave enough to explore thoroughly. Part of this planet hasn't been completed yet - wandering the streets of Cairo, one runs into "Under Construction" signs. Another part is a re-run of Tellurian's old planet Nemesis, specifically the Last Church of Pegasus Cathedral. But the rest is interesting, well-written, and worth exploring if you don't mind getting sand in your shoes! **>> SPYNET REVIEW Congratulations to everyone who promoted during the week. The new Captains were Death, Mosquito (back from the dead), Donal, Alana, Atom, Soyuz and Per. Buzz, Zongalinga, Donal, Spudk, Ben, Mosquito and Winter were promoted to Adventurer or -euse. The Traders Guild welcomed Ultraman, Mosquito, Buzz and Tutankhamen. Mosquito made it to Merchant. Lola, Mosquito and Brain solved the awesome JP puzzle. Mosquito and Siobham cracked the fiendist GM puzzle. Mosquito reached Explorer. Aja was promoted to Squire as his new planet was linked into the game. Mosquito zoomed back through the planet-owning ranks to regain her place as a Technocrat. Sean promoted to Baron, and is now busy building for Duke. Commander Atom went dead-dead six times in Sol, in one day. Why? How? Mosquito blundered to her death on her way to a wedding (see story above). Finally, Tantras and Marcia both played their 1000th game! **>> CONTACTS The following information will appear at the end of every News Bulletin, so you don't have to read it if you already know it. In the event of a problem or question, you can: * talk to Hazed, Bella, Emmi, Mira or Tellurian in the game * a message to Hazed * send GEnie mail with the Mail about Federation option from the main menu A front-end terminal program is available for Federation, for the PC and Amiga. You can download a copy of FedTerm from the Federation official libraries (option 3 on the main Fed page). The third edition of the unexpurgated printed Idiot's Guide to Federation is now available, price $15.95. Type ORDER from any GEnie main menu and buy one. Or more! Federation has several categories in the MPGames RT. To get there, type M1045,1 from any menu prompt and SET category 13 (for information, instructions, questions and answers) or 14 (for general chat and discussions). The Federation Leader in the bulletin board is Oxcart (Mail ID: J.LONG29). There are also private categories for Explorers and the Sentate, run by Krell (Mail ID: K.HILLYER). The MPGames RT has a Federation player library in the files area, Lib 5. **>> BULLETIN ENDS